If you purchase a group of Server Cabinets from some of the Major Manufacturer’s be prepared for the possibility that all the Latches will be keyed exactly the same. When you attempt to get the Latches re-keyed you will quickly find out how difficult a task this will be. The following photos detail some of the different types of Latches available today. In the image below, this is the Dell Latch. Notice that the Dell Latch is the only one that is mounted horizontally on the door. This is not a high security Latch and having the Lock Cores re-keyed is difficult to do.
This is an older model HP Latch. This Latch is installed in the solid portion of the door and not in the perforation like other Server Racks. It could be argued that this makes for a more secure locking door. This Latch also operates two vertical rods that protrude into the frame of the Server Rack adding additional strength to the locking assembly.
The IBM Cabinet Latch is a small unit mounted in the perforation of the door. This Latch has a small catch that doesn’t appear to offer much security.
APC Netshelter Server Racks are an Industry Standard. Go into any large datacenter and the likelihood of an APC NetShelter Server Rack being on the datacenter floor is very good. APC uses a large Latch installed in the solid portion of the door. Notice the large locking lug at the top of the Latch. APC offers a wide selection of different Latches for different security requirements. APC Netshelters are at the high end of Server Racks.
RackSolutions Cabinet Latches have a large steel locking lug, however the standard Latch is not a high security model. RackSolutions offers an optional upgraded Latch that has a much higher standard of security if required.
You will never see a Generic Cabinet like this in a commercial datacenter. This type of Latch offers little to no security at all. Server Racks with Latches like this are meant for small installations where security is not a primary requirement.
Securing your equipment from shady characters is a very difficult tasks. There needs to be multiple layers of security in any type of environment. Controlled Access to the computer room is the first line of defense. When purchasing Server Racks for an environment where Security is mandatory be sure to ask the Vendor what type of Latches are installed on their Server Racks. Because not all server racks are created equal!